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Hello, welcome to the Find my new life Podcast. I’m Chris Lepine. This is the podcast for December the 17th, 2022. And the title is, How to Overcome Disappointment and Failure. In today’s podcast, I’m going to seek to give you hope and inspiration and motivation. And that’s with a new perspective. I really want you to understand that whatever you’ve been through, that things can get better, that you can know more self esteem, more progress, more success.

So, I ask you, as you’re listening to this to please keep an open mind. If you keep thinking and doing the things you have always done, then you’re going to have the same results, you’re going to feel the same way. So just take some time with me today, and I promise you that this new perspective will help you. When you think about it, you’re not alone in your suffering. Everyone has disappointment in their lives; everyone has failure in their lives. And the longer you live, the more you actually strive and try, the more failure and disappointment you will experience. Let me say that again. The more you strive, the more you try, the more failure and disappointment you’re going to experience. But the upside of that is that the more you try, the more you strive, the more progress you will experience, the more real satisfaction and self esteem and growth, and eventually, the more success you’re going to experience.

You can turn sadness into daily joy.

It’s really a two-edged sword: You’re going to have to go through a few things to make progress (you’ve probably heard this before). There are many people who have been through a lot of business failures, personal failures, but eventually, they got to their goal. But the kind of goal that I’m talking about today is not an outward material success or getting the result you want. The main prize, the main goal is the inner satisfaction, the inner peace, the inner growth.

Again, we’ve all had big disappointments . . . Many years ago, I wrote a book. My first book was called The Universal Spiritual Way. I spent a lot of money on actually printing up I think about 1000 copies of those books. And I put them all in our guest bedroom, and there were boxes stacked everywhere. I was so excited. It took me about a year to write this book. I had interviewed lots of people. I had done my research. I felt like it could really help people. And I put the book out there. And guess what? Hardly any response at all. So, I was really, really sad about that, really taken aback. I had spent all this money and had just tried so hard and thought it was a good book. And I wasn’t trying to make money off this book. But I thought at least I could reach some people, and it didn’t. And eventually I gave all the books away.

I’ve heard similar stories of other authors. But you can take this same idea of failure and disappointment and apply it to just about any place in your life: We all go through it; we have all suffered as you are perhaps suffering. I’m not saying that I can understand your suffering–that I know what it really feels like to be suffering like your suffering, but I can say that, my friend, things can get better. There is a better life and a better you with better feelings about yourself: growth, success and real joy. But the only way to get there is to take on a new perspective.

So again, come with me and listen and see if your truth bells go off inside, if your spirit is telling you that this is true. Whether you believe in God or not, whether you belong to a religion or not, take these few moments with me and I promise you, it will help. I absolutely promise you.

The first thing we need to realize is that, of course, life is full of disappointments, full of failures. And that progress is impossible without going through these things. The greatest detriment in life is never having been challenged, never having been afflicted, never having known failure and disappointment. Because it’s only through those things that we truly grow. We grow our characters. We know total success. Think of stories of people who have been given large sums of money when they were very young, what happened? I actually knew a friend who was given several million dollars when he was I think, 17. And by the time he was 35, he had been heavily into drugs, wasn’t in a meaningful relationship, hadn’t really developed a career where he could say he was a pro. He had a very, very difficult time sustaining himself. He bought a lot of property. He lost a lot of property. He partied a lot. And eventually somebody swindled him out of the last bits of money that he had. And he had a very, very, very difficult time.

But, even in that circumstance, he eventually took on a new perspective. And his life began to change. And that’s what I’m talking about, here’s the perspective that my friend took on that I think we should all take on. The first is that it’s a slow process; growth is a slow process. But you can feel satisfaction and peace and growth every single day. It may not be spectacular, it may not be amazing, but you can feel, begin to feel peace today; you can begin to feel peace after this podcast. And I’ll give you the steps later.

You can make progress every day, you can feel it inside yourself. And really, it’s this small progress that gives you the joy you need to get to the next day to get through the next day. It’s a cycle.

God will reawaken you when you stand in the light within.

Remember, any effort that you make helps any effort. It might not help in you reaching your goal all the time, but it does help you feel better. And eventually you’ll reach your goal. But the most important thing to realize is that God wants you to succeed. God wants you to be happy. You are a child of God; you are a child of the Father of the entire universe. You are a child of the person who envisioned, created, protects, and sustains all reality and has an eternal plan for all of it—billions of galaxies, an endless universe, untold numbers of people in this universe. And you have a unique spot since you are a unique person: you have a unique personality, a unique set of gifts, unique experience, and a unique position in life.

There is a plan for you. And when you start to approach that plan, you’re gonna have disappointments, you’re gonna have failures as part of that. But getting up each time and growing each time gives you the internal strength and joy and true happiness. It’s the stretching; it’s the growing. It’s like a muscle. Even if you have hardly any of that, you can begin to develop it. Just like anything else, you can grow it. God is on your side.

Our loving Universal Father has an amazing destiny for you. He wants you to succeed, he’s doing everything possible he can to get you to succeed. There are angels surrounding you, helping you whether you know it or not. He’s giving you everything you need to succeed in every moment. The minute you’re going to make a choice to try to make progress, internally, you’re gonna get all the strength and power you need for that moment. And for all future eternity, all circumstances, everything has been arranged to help you grow. You really have an astounding destiny as part of that gigantic universe plan.

What you determine is whether you’re moving in that direction and how fast you move along that path. We have to be satisfied with slow progress, most of the time. But the more time you put in on that path, the more you move down the path. And please remember when you get into a situation where you think: There is no way I can do this, I don’t have the strength internally, I don’t have the capability. Why am I here? This is more than I can handle. I can’t believe it. How can I possibly do this? Remember, within you is an absolute fragment of God—absolute love, and absolute power, an actual piece of God, your internal spirit—that God placed there, that God the Father placed in you, to help you move along the way.

Even if you can’t come up with an insight, or the strength or the power, or the peace of mind, this spirit can give it to you and enable you to grow where you need to grow—always. God usually gives us more than we can handle. That’s how you grow; that’s how you move forward. And it’s only when we reach to God’s to reach to the spirit within that we can start to draw on that power. And once we do that, when we give God all that we can give, then we become more than we are. When you give God wholeheartedly, all you can in those moments, God makes you more than you are. This doesn’t mean that you have to be full-power, wholehearted, perfectly aligned, perfectly dedicated, every single waking moment to make any progress at all. What it does mean is that when you are wholehearted for however long you’re wholehearted, when you’re trying as hard as you can, however long that is (it might be five minutes, it might be a day, who knows), in that moment you are aligned with God’s will. You are immersed and you are being transformed; your capacity is growing; you’re moving forward.

God will give you all you need to move forward., wherever you are.

Know that wherever you stand right now, whatever you think of yourself (and you might not think much of yourself), however, disappointed you are in yourself, your progress your projects, your family life, (maybe you went through a divorce, maybe you’re going through a breakup, maybe you can’t find a career, maybe you’re struggling with drug addiction, whatever it is), remember, that if you try wholeheartedly, God is satisfying your real needs. And ultimately, the real prize in life is spiritual growth. Of course, God wants you to find meaning and relationships and some type of career success so you can sustain yourself and have that satisfaction and be happy. But sometimes when we go into this process, our goals change as we take on a spiritual perspective.

The real meaning, the real accomplishments in life go far, far beyond material success. Career Achievement is really the scaffolding. It’s really just the stable foundation, where it enables relationships; it enables loving and being loved—serving. That’s really what it’s all for. Relationships are ends in themselves. And that is our ultimate success and satisfaction. So, if you have unreasonable goals, unreasonable expectations, these will begin to be transformed in the light of what is truly of value. It really starts with trying whenever you can remember: Try as hard as you can.

There is real hope.

You want to start today, and here’s just a little brief excerpt of how to move forward. (and I have another podcast on this about transforming yourself). But basically, whenever you remember to share your thoughts with God . . . the solution here is not psychological: It’s spiritual. When you immerse yourself in God, when you share your thoughts with God, you are allowing yourself to be transformed. You’re allowing yourself to open to God. So, share your thoughts with God, whatever they are. Do it intensely, as long as you can. And then listen for the response. Do this whenever you remember to do it, every day.

And ask for help to grow. Don’t ask for a specific result, a specific outcome. ask for God’s help to grow. Ask for qualities; pray for qualities: God give me strength, give me hope. Give me a positive attitude. Give me courage. Give me power to try. Give me clear insight. Helped me to care about others. Help me to keep praying to be consistent. Help me to have self-control. Whatever you need, ask for that quality; ask for a quality, not a result. And do it whenever you can remember to do it. And do it consistently each day. Look for that feeling of satisfaction. Look for that feeling of peace, and you will gradually begin to perceive it more and more.

And as you build on this, I promise, if you are consistent every day, even if it’s a little bit, even if you’re just doing it for 60 seconds a day, with your whole heart, remember, God is transforming you, when you are wholehearted, for however long that is. That’s the time when God can really work with you to help you grow. You increase your capacity. And when you do that, you’re going to feel peace, assurance, security, power. You’re going to move forward, I promise you.

The power within you is unlimited.

Think of that disappointment (maybe you just recently experienced it, I’m guessing you probably can think of that disappointment). And now look at it as an opportunity for growth. We’re kind of getting back to the beginning again. God gives you everything you need to grow. And the only way we grow is by trying again and again. And when we try, sometimes we fail, sometimes we have disappointment. So use that as a as a fulcrum, as an opportunity to grow. Use it as an opportunity to trust God more and more.

We don’t know the future, but God does and has arranged everything for you. You have an absolute, loving, Divine Father. God is not a man. God is not a male. God does not have gender. But God the Father, the Father of the universe, loves as a father does, and has placed His Spirit within you to guide you. And that spirit is going to show you inspiration, truth power . . . and it’s your direct line to the Father. Look for that satisfaction, that relationship to grow.

Sometimes our biggest disappointments, our biggest failures, turn out to be our greatest opportunities for growth and a complete redirection in life.

You may have seen this in your life. I know I’ve seen it in mine, and I’ve heard about it. That failure, that disappointment got you in a new direction where you were happier and made progress. And when you think about your life, just remember, even if you think there’s little possibility of you growing, even if you don’t think much of yourself, if you’re down on yourself, if you even if you think you are a failure and pathetic—you name it, remember that God knows what He’s doing, and He created you for a reason. You have not only something I have a destiny on earth, but for eternity, if you choose it. And God can do anything; God can help you make any transformation you need, period. Believe it, don’t doubt it. The Creator of the entire universe of all reality, the Sustainer, Envisioner, Designer of everything, can certainly help you grow, and has arranged everything for your growth: You just need to start trying a little bit (and maybe you already have. I need to start trying more. I need to do my best). And when we do that, our loving, loving Father is going to embrace us, hold us, give us the total peace. Give us the hope and the strength. And then the enthusiasm for trying again, for growing, for overcoming every fear, overcoming every issue in our lives . . . the Father will help us do it. Have no doubt. So there really is total hope. In fact, no matter what’s happening in your life—your internal feelings about yourself, your internal feelings about growth, the satisfaction that can improve.

We cannot control what’s going on around us in this life. There are lots of good things, there are some horrible things (the world is in dramatic turmoil right now, as always). And you may be right in the middle of a hellish, absolutely hellish situation. But know that God will give you all the strength you need to deal with it, and to find a better situation, whatever that’s going to look like. We just have to follow His leading to that better world.

So immerse yourself in God. Accept the fact that you are a child of God. Believe that feeling within. Take the time to feel that and move forward with that joyous thought. Believe that God is a person, that God is your loving, Divine Parent, that God is your loving, Universal Father and you are his beloved child and that He will do everything he possibly can to help you. Accept this with the faith you’ve been given; accept that reality. Follow that leading to the best of your ability each day.

Serving others is the way to Joy.

Start to help other people as best as you can, and you will grow even more. Make sure not to think too much about yourself. Start to help other people. Ask for peace, assurance, security, hope, strength, healing power: whatever quality you need, God is going to give it to you. Immerse yourself in that total love of the Father and follow His leading. Remember, your eternal journey starts right now. The Father wants to give us eternal life. But eternal life can start today—in this moment.

Every time we choose to do the Father’s will, every time we choose to follow the leading of God, we are living an eternal moment. And it’s in those eternal moments that you will know the peace, you will know the satisfaction, you will feel better and better about yourself, whatever issue that you’re facing. And this will carry you forward as you consistently go to God each day. And that’s really what’s going to make the difference. Psychological approaches can help . . . friends supporting you, going to therapy, that’s fine, taking your medication, whatever you need to do, please do it. But ultimately, the thing that’s going to help you make real progress, lasting progress is immersing yourself in God—the greatest power in the universe—and following is leading.

All of us have a different capacity to grow, but in God’s eyes, we all have the same potential, eternally. There may be someone who has a lot more spiritual perception than you, who really feels God automatically every day: Well, that person is expected to do a lot more than you are. We are expected to act on what we’ve been given. So, again, the only thing that God cares about is: Are you are moving toward the light? Do you listen to me? Do you want to help other people? Do you want to grow and follow the plan? If you’re moving in that direction, that’s all that’s needed. And I assure you, He will help you today; He’ll help you right after you get done listening to this podcast, if you take the time and sit with Him (and I know you will).

Just think of it, you’re going to sit down and take a little time with God, whatever your conception of God is. Maybe you perceive God as a mother, father . . . take that time with God and let God hold you. Pour your heart out. Feel the healing. Feel the hope and begin to envision a better future for yourself. Take that journey. Every day. Life starts today; life starts now. So do it, move forward. Don’t think, just do it, and you will begin to transcend your thoughts and have a much better life. And you will know true inner success, true inner happiness because that’s what counts most of all. But you will also see improvements in your outer life and strength for a successful career. Anything you want to do in the outside world, you’re going to see some positive benefits.

Let God take you beyond all limits.

So I’m really excited for you moving forward and trying these things. I wish you all the best. Remember, you are a child of God. T There is there is no limitation on your future destiny or success. When you go in partnership with God, when you follow the Father’s leading, He is going to take you to places you can’t even imagine. He is going to transform you if you just let Him. Take this as an opportunity and move forward into the light of joy, into the light of the future you are meant to have.

Thanks again for joining me today on this podcast, How to Overcome Disappointment and Failure. Next week, I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do for a podcast, but I promise it will be good (I like to kind of think about these things and the ideas come up later). And of course, if there’s any ideas, any requests you have for a podcast, please let me know (in fact, I already created a podcast based on a request from someone). Just go to my website, and look for the Contact Me link in the upper right and look for the Ask A Question link. And you can contact me that way.

I look forward to future podcasts. I hope you have a great week and start to feel that joyous, joyous spiritual success and progress.

–Chris Lepine

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